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Price Management

Price Management

What’s an effective pricing strategy for an online business? How do you set your prices? Are your prices too high or low? Is your product portfolio generating the profit value you are expecting? In ecommerce price management you directly affect the demand for your products. When it comes to sales, the right price is ultimate. FinPlus helps you to identify the right price for your product keeping a close tab of the competitors price.

If you are in an ecommerce business, a good competitor analysis is necessary for which you will get a clear understanding of the competitors. Today ecommerce has a cut-throat competition in the marketplace. If you don’t keep tabs on your competitors regularly, you wouldn’t know why in the future you are losing buyers.

After setting up an account on an ecommerce marketplace, the seller’s main concern is “kitna milega”.That means how much profit  they will get after selling an item. You can find the profits with the Kitna Milega Calculator from our expert sources who will help you in the process of pay-outs and reconciliation.

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